COVID-19 has changed education systems forever. As part of UNESCO’s World Teachers’ Day events, please join us on the 9th October at 12:00 BST for the “Rebuild” Education Summit, a global conversation on how teacher leadership can rebuild education. Hosted by the Varkey Foundation, “Rebuild” will bring together different voices to collectively reimagine the future of education.
The event will hear from some of the world’s best teachers on how they have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will convene discussion groups for hundreds of participants to think about education in a post-COVID world. And it will attempt to answer three critical questions about the future of education: How do we reopen schools safely? Identifying innovative models of teacher leadership and best practice from reopened classrooms and schools; How do we rebuild education? Learning from teachers around the world about what’s worked and what hasn’t worked for their students during global school closures; How do we reimagine learning? Reimagining education systems to put quality and equity at the heart of the learning process post COVID-19. |